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Junior High

BG’s Junior High School

A student is sitting in a classroom.

In Junior High,  your child will experience a significant transformation as they grow from child to young adult. This stage is critical for important developmental milestones. Cognitively, decision making and critical thinking advance. Physically, growth is dramatic and uneven, Emotionally, they begin to develop a independent identity and figure out who they are. It can be a stressful time – for child and parents! That is why we designed a positive, healthy environment for each child to build confidence and a strong sense of self in these years. 

Our Junior High experience provides a safe, supportive environment for students to achieve their important developmental milestones. Each child progresses at their own pace – which is highly individual. 

We designed the academic curriculum for grades 6-12 to provide a holistic education. Students learn to think critically and communicate well. Faculty develop complex thinkers by teaching problem-solving processes and critical thinking scenarios. Instructional strategies target analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating concepts in all academic domains.

While our school’s curriculum meets and exceeds the Pennsylvania Department of Education state standards, our students and teachers are not restricted by the state’s standardized testing. Instead, education at BG is designed by experienced educators using proven methods that develop learners who are prepared academically and personally for higher education; and ultimately for successful careers. BG offers a method of education that is not driven by seat time in a classroom or lecture. Instead, instruction is delivered beyond the classroom structure, not limited by the school bell and four walls.

The school’s methodology is based on research and experience that shows successful learning comes from engaging students to become active learners. Our teachers design lessons that encourage critical thinking, curiosity, and depth of learning. Our students connect deeper to content by applying it themselves (not just memorizing answers).

BG’s learning management system, Canvas, allows a blended hybrid (in-person/online) model of instruction and 24/7 access to content, assignments, and more. It serves as a pathway to post-secondary college and career-driven plans for success. In addition, our learning platform provides a tool to enable teachers’ flexibility to individualize students’ needs and achievements.

A young man is wearing a suit and tie. He is smiling and looking at the camera. He is standing in front of a blurred background.

Advanced Preparatory Curriculum (Pre-AP) for Advanced Learners

The Accelerated Preparatory Curriculum (APC) is designed as a two-year program for qualified 7th and 8th graders. This accelerated curriculum challenges the student and develops their scholarly potential. The academic enrichment stimulates your child’s passion for learning. Classes establish strategies and methods for acquiring in-depth knowledge that centers on critical thinking skills. The coursework requires students to demonstrate higher level thinking through a variety of assessments that exemplify the profile of the accelerated learner.

This program prepares for college level work in high school.  By simultaneously faciliating connections between subject areas such as Math, Science, History, English and other subjects, students see new connections and ideas. Advanced learners begin to recognize the “bigger picture” and are encouraged to “dive deep” and explore areas of particular interest.  For those students who are capable of making these connections and who are particularly engaged and curious, this program helps accelerate their learning and prepare them for more advanced work in high school.

Entry is based on prior academic records, standardized test results, and personal interview. 

This program is not mandatory or required. While this unique program is truly transformational and accelerates certain advanced learners, it is not right for all 7th and 8th graders. Children develop at different rates so parents of students who do not go through the “APC” program should not be concerned. The BG Junior High is rigorous, personalized, engaging and all go on to be very successful in high school. Most still take college level work in high school and are fully prepared to do so.  Some of our top graduates did not go through the program.