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Arts and Drama

Arts & Drama

BG students excel in arts and drama.

Whether visual arts or performing arts,

we offer opportunities to pursue interests and develop talents.

All students at Bishop Guilfoyle are engaged in a comprehensive art program.  

Visual Arts

Students acquire skills and aesthetic understanding while learning to think creatively.

The Fine Arts program in grades 3 through 12 offers a sequential, spiraling curriculum that combines technical training with the development of imagination and personal expression. Students are exposed to a variety of techniques and mediums to express their artistic talents.

Throughout the school artwork by students is displayed and celebrated

Performing Arts

Drama: The Department produces a theatrical production in the early spring. Students also perform with local community groups.

Students act, direct, design sets, manage lighting and sound, market, and perform the production.  

Parents and alumni provide support with coaching, choreography, set design and vocal arrangements

Choral: Opportunities to study and develop vocal talents in choral and solo performances

Instrumental: Individual instrumental instruction beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school. The BG band performs throughout the year.

A music teacher conducts a group of students playing instruments in a classroom.